Mondelēz Pioneering Human Rights & Sustainability

Producer News

Mondelēz’s Commitment to Human Rights and Sustainability

In their 2022 “Snacking Made Right” report, Mondelēz International outlines their dedication to improving social sustainability and respecting human rights across their entire value chain. This commitment involves ensuring the well-being of everyone in their supply chain, from their 91,000 employees to the farmers growing their ingredients.

2025 Goals: A Focus on Human Rights Audits

Mondelēz has set ambitious goals for 2025, aiming to conduct comprehensive human rights due diligence. They plan to have all manufacturing and prioritized supplier sites undergo a Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) within the next three years. This audit assesses adherence to corporate social responsibility standards specific to the consumer goods industry.

Upholding Rights Across the Supply Chain

The company is vigilant in protecting the rights of all individuals along their supply chain. This is in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Mondelēz’s Human Rights Working Group oversees the implementation of these principles, ensuring regular updates to their Human Rights Due Diligence Report.

Collaborative Efforts for Greater Impact

Mondelēz doesn’t work alone in its quest for sustainability and human rights. They actively collaborate with the Consumer Goods Forum Human Rights Coalition and other organizations. They also engage with external advisors to refine their approach and support legislative efforts for mandatory human rights due diligence.

Progress Despite Pandemic Challenges

Despite setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mondelēz has made significant strides in their audit program. A substantial percentage of their manufacturing and supplier sites have completed SMETA audits. The company remains committed to continuing these audits across their global sites and supply chain.

Training and Empowerment

A key aspect of Mondelēz’s strategy is their Human Rights training program, available in almost thirty languages. This program is designed to educate their global workforce on their rights and responsibilities, fostering a culture of respect and vigilance for human rights.

Partnerships in Cocoa and Palm Oil Sectors

Mondelēz is particularly active in addressing human rights issues in the cocoa and palm oil sectors. They are a founding member of the International Cocoa Initiative, working to combat child and forced labor. Their Palm Oil Action Plan demands labor rights respect from suppliers, showcasing their commitment to ethical sourcing.

Read more in the Mondelēz 2022 Snacking Made Right Report