Mars Inc. Accused of Using Child Labor

Producer News

Investigation Reveals Young Workers in Cocoa Fields

Mars Inc., known for creating M&M’s and Snickers, faces accusations of using child labor. A recent CBS News investigation discovered that children, some as young as five, are working in cocoa fields in Ghana. These fields provide cocoa for Mars’ chocolate products.

Mars’ Promise to End Child Labor by 2025 in Question

Despite Mars Inc.’s promise to stop using child labor in their supply chain by 2025, the investigation suggests this issue persists. CBS News found children working on every farm they visited in Ghana’s cocoa belt.

Issues with Mars’ Child Labor Monitoring System

The investigation also uncovered problems with Mars’ system to keep kids off plantations and in school. It seems this system is not working as intended, with some children still found working in the fields.

Mars Responds to Allegations

Mars Inc. has responded to these accusations, stating their commitment against child labor. They said they take any claims of misconduct seriously and plan to investigate thoroughly. Mars also emphasized their ongoing efforts to improve human rights in their cocoa supply chain.

Legal Action Against Chocolate Companies

A lawsuit for consumer fraud has been filed against American chocolate companies, including Mars. This lawsuit is based on allegations similar to those revealed in the CBS News investigation.

Source: USA Today